
Yah’s Appointed Times

Yah’s calendar is central to walking in alignment with His will, particularly through the observance of His appointed Feast Days and the Shabbat. Avoiding pagan holidays is crucial for maintaining holiness and purity in worship, as these holidays often have roots in idolatrous practices. Here’s how Scripture supports this approach:

Call to Holiness

YAH commands His people to be set apart, distinct from the practices of the surrounding nations. This call to holiness includes avoiding pagan customs and focusing on His appointed times.

Focusing on Yah’s Appointed Times

Yah’s appointed times, such as the Shabbat and the Feast Days, are clearly outlined in Scripture. These days are meant to be observed as sacred, set-apart times for worship and reflection.

Avoiding Pagan Holidays

Many holidays celebrated today have origins in ancient pagan practices. Scripture advises against adopting these customs, as they often contradict the worship of YAH.

List of Pagan Holidays to Avoid

Here are some common holidays with pagan origins that believers should avoid:

Embracing Yah’s Feasts

YAH’s Feast Days are significant times that He has ordained for His people to observe. These days not only commemorate His mighty works but also point to the fulfillment of His redemptive plan through Yahusha. Scripture indicates that these Feasts will continue to be observed in the future by all nations.

Separation and Purity in Worship

Scripture calls for a clear separation from idolatrous practices and a commitment to worshiping YAH in spirit and truth. As Natsarim (guardians of the truth), this separation is crucial to maintaining the purity of worship and following the path set by Yahusha.

Practical Steps to Avoid Pagan Holidays

To live in accordance with YAH’s will, believers must consciously choose to avoid pagan holidays and instead focus on the times that YAH has appointed.

By grounding your life in these scriptural principles, you honor YAH by observing His appointed times and avoiding the influence of pagan holidays. This approach not only strengthens your faith but also aligns your worship with YAH’s will, as revealed in His Word. The future observance of YAH’s Feast Days by all nations is a powerful testament to their eternal significance in His divine plan.