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Bible Apps/Online Bible
Searching for Bible verses is a popular activity online. At, we've compiled notable Bible search websites, each offering a unique way to display verses, with many providing additional features beyond simple verse lookup.
Bible software is the Bible App for Web, giving people access to God’s Word on all modern browsers on any platform. The simple and clear design makes it very user-friendly for reading the Bible.
AndBible is Bible Study is a robust yet user-friendly offline Bible study app for Android. It goes beyond just being a Bible reader, offering advanced tools designed for deep, personal Bible study.
e-Sword is a free Bible software that can be installed on Windows, Apple Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
SWORD Project is an effort to create a software platform for research and study of God and His Word. The open source model is the basis of development, maximizing the rapid growth and features of this project by leveraging the contributions of many developers. Components of the project include all types of Biblical texts and helps, a portable, platform-agnostic engine to access them, and a variety of front ends to bring this to as many users as possible.
Online Bible
Bible Hub is described as an “online Bible study suite” with all kinds of Bible tools, like atlas, commentaries, concordance, devotions, dictionary, encyclopedia, interlinear, parallel, pictures, reading plans, sermons, timeline, and topical. The website’s user interface primarily uses the top navigation menus to quickly get around the various tools.
Bible Web App is an online Bible study application with bonus study features for studying Greek and Hebrew. The current version 3.0 has a user interface that’s well designed using the latest web technologies. is the Bible App for Web, giving people access to God’s Word on all modern browsers on any platform. The simple and clear design makes it very user-friendly for reading the Bible. is a very popular Bible website with more than 200 translations and more than 70 languages. It is one of the few Bible websites with an optional paid membership for access to a complete digital Bible study library and an ad-free experience. is a focused Bible search website with multiple versions and languages. The Bible search has a unique feature to search all the English versions for a keyword or phrase. has over 20 Bible translations along with commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, encyclopedia, history, and lexicon.
Biblia is an online Bible reading tool with dozens of Bible translations. The website is available in English, French, German, Spanish, or Portuguese.
Blue Letter Bible is a free, searchable online Bible program providing access to many different Bible translations and in-depth study tools, like commentaries, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. Blue Letter Bible provides multiple search functions: for the Bible, for a lexicon, and for theological questions. With the Bible search, you can even limit your search to a selected range of biblical books, e.g. you can search for the word “love” just in the book of John.
EasyEnglish Bible is a simplified English translation of the Bible with a reduced vocabulary to make it easier for people who are learning English as a foreign language.
eBible is an online Bible with a dozen English translations and other languages too. eBible provides personal features like notes and highlights. eBible has a unique Questions & Answers feature where its online community can ask questions and provide answers.
English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible allows its users to make personal notes, favorites and highlights. Users can also listen to the audio of the Bible. Noticed when clicking on a cross-reference footnote, it displays all the cross referenced verses—pretty handy.
King James Bible Online is the most popular Bible website for the most popular King James Veresion of the Bible. is the King James Bible, described as “a clean, high quality implementation without distracting fluff.”
Lumina is a Bible study suite that enables users to do word studies in the original languages. 7 Bible versions along with commentaries and articles are provided. Personalized functions available for highlights, notes, and bookmarks. has many Bible translations and languages to choose from, along with a very large collection of online Bible study tools and resources, including 100+ commentaries, 6 concordances, 25+ dictionaries, and 8 encyclopedias.
New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE) is the Catholic version of the Bible.
Unbound Bible has an advanced Bible search with lots of options and settings, but a limited number of Bible versions. is a Public Domain (no copyright) Modern English translation of the Holy Bible.
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